Pawn loans are an excellent source when you need cash in a hurry. They're fast, easy and you get cash in an instant. Simply bring in your item and have one of our knowledgeable associates asses the value - it's current resale price and condition. Within minutes, you will have a top dollar offer that gets you the money you need NOW. Your valuables are safely stored in a secure area until you're ready to repay the loan balance in full. Just make sure you're at least 18 years old and have a valid government issued photo I.D. For more information on repayment, scroll down to our rates & terms section.
Unlike bank loans or payday advances, you don’t need a credit check or a bank account. Your valuables are collateral for your cash loan, so should you default, it won’t negatively affect your credit in the future.
It is fast and Easy! Get your cash in an instant. After an appraisal, you can get your loan in cash before you walk out the door.
Get money in minutes. The process typically takes about 10 minutes and all pawn loans are funded in cash with no credit check and no hassles.
While your item is in pawn, you still own it. Your item is safely stored until you come back and pay your pawn loan in full and reclaim your merchandise.
Virginia Pawn Shops are regulated at the federal, state and local levels; Virginia sets the legal interest rates for the pawn loan industry in our area.
Pawn loan terms are set for 30 day intervals with a 5% minimum interest rate and a 10% maximum interest rate, depending on the borrowed loan amount.
By the end of the 30 day period, customers have the option of repaying the loan amount in full, principle + interest, or simply paying only the interest to extend their pawn loan for another 30 days.
For example, if you borrowed $20, at the end of the 30 day term, you have the option of paying either $4 to renew the loan or $24 to satisfy the loan and retrieve your collateral.